White 2013

  • Public areas and their visualizations, visually overcrowded spaces.
  • Collection of information, long-term process of white surface in an urban environment use the observational principle in sense of gathering information from their surroundings and becomes a reflection of the exact area.
  • The invasion of public space and monitoring the reactions of viewer as an active creator.

In Prague Karlin I hung three white canvases of size 120 x 100 cm and three white canvases 60 x 40 cm. Places I purposely chose in my neighborhood, so I can monitor daily development. Localities for white canvases were selected thorough monitoring of public areas in Karlin.

Suitable facilities for hanging frames were old abandoned buildings or walls, where the human hand have already signed on to the public space. Impairment of places was caused by various ways such as in the sense of presenting himself (tags) expressing in easily visible places (graffiti) or efforts of illegal commercial communications by posting flyers, bonding and anchoring ads on highly visible locations. One becomes an active agent in the creation of visually in public space.

White canvas has become competitive object with all this kind of visual display and its neutral nature seeks for its own position in a visually flooded areas. It defines the “images", which is located next to it or define them. White canvases as artifact ask through its symbolic metaphor for creation, artistic act and encourage imaginations and challenge a certain response. This is a form of communication with public space. It opens up the possibility of communication between the artifacts X viewer, which are not for this environment quite common. Canvases may disappear or change its visual nature. Canvases encourages participation, anyone can participate in process of transformation this pre-prepared area. Some impacts take place without the active involvement of the "viewer". Observational principle is capture on the screen information from the environment and so the image becomes a reflection of the exact place. By creating a tight relationship between the related "images on the street” and white canvases it support the position of the viewer as an active creator.

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